Fundamentals are King!

When beginning the study of Yoga, if the basic ‘stick figure’ form of a given Asana (pose) is achieved, then it can be generally considered a successful pose.  That is to say, from an anatomical standpoint, it is probable that you are achieving the muscular engagement you came for and are therefore benefiting from the practice. Well done!

From this point, a second layer of improvement may come from a corresponding increase in awareness.  For instance, if one achieves said ‘stick figure’ form while focusing progressively more on the breath during movement transition, then this could be considered a higher state of Yoga.

Alas, we arrive at the paradox inherent in any field; the deeper the exploration, the more that the fundamentals of the art must take their place at the forefront of the discipline for continuous improvement.

What could this mean for your yoga practice?  Let’s consider the total inverse of our intuitive assumptions regarding the notion of improvement, using an Arm Balance as an example.

Greater strength and openness in arm balances aren’t contingent upon more strength in the arms, as our intuition may lead us to believe, but are enhanced by the energy found in the shins and toes. Similarly, alignment foundations in the fingertips and wrists are paramount in arm balances and should be worked on from the onset of the practice.  However, what happens more frequently? Students simply allow ego to cloud judgement by choosing a pose progression that is of no service–often even disadvantageous, for their improvement.  When stagnation sets in, frustration and force follow.

Force never works!  So, if you are stuck in your yoga practice, or in any other area of your life for that matter, take a step back, and look at where your fundamentals are coming unraveled.  Spending even a small bit of time with them will yield exponential improvement.  It is an irony that the highest of achievements often come from the simplest of solutions.

Adam Luker